Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need to know your weight?

  1. Safety first: The low density of the air at altitude means we can't carry overweight passengers.

  2. Balance and stability: The often strong winds at altitude don't always allow us to carry light passengers.

  3. Equipment selection: Select the optimum equipment for your weight, enhancing comfort and pleasure.

  4. Flight planning: Personalize the experience according to weight, influencing the duration and timing of the flight.

Why can't I book my flight at a specific time?

  1. Safety guarantee: Adjusting schedules according to high-altitude weather conditions ensures a safe flight experience that complies with safety standards.

  2. Weather conditions at altitude: Flight times depend on the specific conditions at high altitude.

  3. Efficient planning: Flexible schedules enable efficient planning, optimizing flight conditions.

  4. Flexibility required: Time slots can be adjusted to suit unforeseen weather changes at altitude.

Why should I rent boots and crampons rather than bring my normal pair of hiking boots?

  1. Adapting to the terrain: rental boots are specially selected to adapt to alpine terrain and offer crampon compatibility, guaranteeing a mountaineering experience. However, some hiking boots can be fitted with crampons. We'll certainly ask you for a photo of your boots during initial contact.

  2. Crampons : Crampons and harness will be provided by Aiguille du Midi Parapente for the descent of the summit ridge.

  3. Safety standards: The use of specific equipment is compulsory to guarantee the safety of mountaineers in the high mountains. The presence of a mountain guide will ensure the safety of passengers, even if they have no mountaineering experience.